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Aleksandra Jaskólska


Short bio

Aleksandra Jaskólska is a graduate of the Department of Middle East and Far East and International Relations at the Faculty of International and Political Studies at the Jagiellonian University, Poland. Aleksandra has a lot of experience in international cooperation. Aleksandra is coordinator of exchange programs in the IIR UW, based on bilateral agreements with South Asian universities. She was part of EU funded projects: Centre for Contemporary India Research and Studies, ASIE/2009/215; EU India Action Plan Support Facility, 2010-2011; 7th EU Framework Program: INDIA-EU JOINT HOUSE FOR SCIENCE & INNOVATION, No. 295060, 2012-2013;  Erasmus Mundus Action 2: EMINTE (India), NAMASTE (India), IBIES (India) and EMMA (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines) She also co-coordinated projects financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

Aleksandra since 2009 has been also working as trainer. She is author of training programs on cultural differences in business. She implements projects related to the development of intercultural competences, specializes in Indian business culture. Aleksandra also conducts trainings in the field of intercultural management.

Affiliation(s) and current position at institute

University of Warsaw, Research Fellow

Kkeywords of research fields (both on Indo-Pacific and other)

India, South Asia,  foreign policy, political parties, regional parties, culture, diversity

Works/publications on Indo-Pacific

-       Sekularyzm versus hinduski nacjonalizm w systemie politycznym Indii (Secularism vs hindu nationalism in political system of India), M.F Gawrycki, E. Haliżak, R Kuźniar, G. Michałowska, D. Popławski, J. Zajączkowski, R. Zięba (eds.), Tendencje i procesy rozwojowe współczesnych stosunków międzynarodowych (Trends and development processes in international relations), Scholar, Warsaw 2016

-       Liberalna teoria polityki zagranicznej –  studium przypadku partii regionalnych w Indiach (Liberal theory of foreign policy – case study of regional parties in India), „Stosunki Międzynarodowe”  („International Relations”)2018, no 4

-       Party politics and its influence over foreign policymaking in India, J. Dragsbaek Schmidt, S. Chakrabarti (eds.), The Interface of Domestic and International Factors in India's Foreign Policy (coming soon)

Links to online profiles
