The main objective of the Eurasian Insights: Strengthening Indo-Pacific Studies in Europe project is to strengthen Indo-Pacific studies. As the broad region of Indo-Pacific is getting more and more attention both from policy-makers and scholars, there is a growing demand for better understanding of the region which is provided by the growing research area of Indo-Pacific studies. For the purpose of the project Indo-Pacific studies are defined as a multidisciplinary research area focusing on the political, economic and social developments in the Indo-Pacific region. The concept of Indo-Pacific is derived originally from geography and comprises the areas of two oceans: Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean with exclusion of the coast of Americas and polar regions. Indo-Pacific spans from India and Pakistan, east through Southeast Asian states to China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. There is a world-wide need to build and strengthen Indo-Pacific studies for three major reason. Firstly, it is the region inhabited by over 1/3 of the humankind. Secondly, the countries of the region are developing very rapidly and their impact on global affairs is increasing. Thirdly, from the EU perspective the region is especially important for EU because it represents the biggest export market for the European products.
Project profile
Project number: 2019-1-PL01-KA203-065644 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Erasmus+ KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Project duration: 01.10-2019 – 31.05.2022 (32 months)
Maximum grant is estimated at: 328 249,5 euro.
List of beneficiaries: (Consortium)
- Univeristy of Warsaw, Poland - Coordinator
- Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poland
- La Sapienza University Rome, Italy
- University of St Andrews, UK
- Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
- Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan
Assiociate partners:
- The National Maritime Foundation, India
- International Christian University, Japan
- South Asia Democratic Forum, Belgium