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Rafał Wiśniewski


Short bio

Assistant Professor in the Strategic Studies Department at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. Co-founder and member of the editorial staff at the academic journal R/evolutions: Global Trends & Regional Issues ( Member of the  American-German-Polish Tripartite Young Leaders Study Group on the Future of Europe 2011-201 where he lead the Young Leaders working group: ,,Which states will dominate global economic and political arena 10 years from now? - An attempt at prognosis."

His research interests include international security issues in the Indo-Pacific region, grand strategies of great powers, great power competition, military strategy and defense-industrial issues.

Affiliation(s) and current position at institute

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.

Assistant Professor in the  Strategic Studies Department at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism.

Kkeywords of research fields (both on Indo-Pacific and other)

Grand Strategy, Great Power competition, arms races, military strategy, defense industry, international security of the Indo-Pacific

Works/publications on Indo-Pacific

·         “Strategic Environment of East Asia in 2017–18 Analysis of Key Trends and Issues.” Przegląd Strategiczny (Strategic Review) No. 11; 2018. (

·         S. Czubaj-Kuźmin, R. Wiśniewski, “Political rituals of memory in relations between the People's Republic of China, The Republic of Korea and Japan,” in: Multi-vector politics in modern Asia, J. Marszałek-Kawa, E. Kaja (eds.), Toruń 2014.

·         Determinanty wyścigu zbrojeń podwodnych w regionie Azji i Pacyfiku [Determinants of submarine arms race in the Asia-Pacific region], Stosunki Międzynarodowe (International Relations), No. 48, 2013. (

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